Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween-Sugar Free Style!

Well, this Halloween is the first one without one single candy in my 42 year history. I can't say that I even care about the candy. I look at it like any other ordinary object, like a pencil. Last year, I at a ton. Ate all of the good candy out of my daughter's stash (she was too young to know the difference). I would stuff four or five "snack size" bars in my mouth in a sitting. My school had party after party this year with unbelievable treats. I did not have one single Halloween treat and I don't feel deprived. Mostly, it is because I am satisfied with my fruit or Larabars. The agave sweetened ice cream helps too much. Right now, I feel like I am in limbo land...between really kicking this thing out and stopping the abuse of fruit/bread, with just hanging here sitting with my progress so far. That is why it has taken me a a while to post. I am not experiencing much, in terms of progress. I have not exercised or lost more weights. If I am not careful, my "rogue" fruit/agave/white bread abuse will catch up with me and defeat my goal.


Lyn said...

Happy Halloween and congrats on skipping the candy! That's a great thing to be rid of.

debby said...

glad to hear from you Joy. Your
freedom from sugar is amazing.

My Year Without said...

I'm really excited to see how you fully kick the sugar habit. I wonder if your road will be similar to mine....our nasty little sweet tooth(s) are so in control of us sometimes!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Joy, Haven't heard from you for a while. Just thinking about you and wondering how you are doing.

Pubsgal said...

Joy, come back! We miss yoooooouuu!!!