Monday, February 2, 2009


I had a great plan today! I had:
organic fruit and nuts for breakfast
veggie spinach salad with a great
sugar free dressing and smoothie (w/ super greens and protein powder) for lunch,
hummus and carrots for snack
skinless chicken breast w/ veggies for dinner
fruit juice for snack
I also ate two clif nectar bars as snack. I was okay with that thinking that I was having a transition day. I enjoyed my food! I was having a good eating day.

Then...I realized that I had part of a chocolate bar in my purse. I got my shoes on and went to the garage to dig out the bar. I ate that, then, ate chips and salsa, then two rounds of cereal with HANDFULS of brown sugar. Had I abstained from the chocolate, I would have been just fine today. One day into avoiding sugar.

On the plus side, I am happy with my spinach salad. I am all ready to add chicken to it tomorrow. I am loving my homemade dressing. My mornings are going well. the sugar just haunts me. I got so excited about the rouge chocolate, that I forgot about my exercise plan. I don't have any more chocolate in the house and I need to get rid of that brown sugar. I am easing back into this. I am happy with the first half of the day!


Juice said...

Oh, I had my own brown sugar incident. Ugly! Needless to say, there is no more brown sugar in the house. I can't be trusted. :) Hope today is a GREAT day for you.

Vee said...

I'm horrible with chocolate. I have one or two dark chocolate hershey bars at night. try hard not to eat candy during the day. but haven't actually resolved that part of the "diet" yet - just started last Monday - one habit at a time. This week is to reduce eating out and get more support. To that note, could you please check out my blog? Thanks...Vee

Pubsgal said...

On the bright side, you had lots of tasty, healthy foods. I bet you'll start craving those foods more. That spinach salad sounded yummy. (Would love to try your homemade dressing recipe, if you can share it? I'm always looking for good ones!)

Hope you had a great day today!