Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Mini Miracle

I am back from my staff retreat and had no desire to eat the:
chocolate cake, boatloads of candy, cinnamon rolls, cobbler, apple pie and sooo much more. I just didn't even want it. THAT is a miracle! I did not pine away for it either. Last year, I would have eaten everything and gone back for more when no one was looking. I would have thought about when I could get my next hit of sugar. This time, I was making sure I did not eat hidden sugars in the meals. The best miracle was (TMI alert) that after two years of not having a period, I had one, after one month of being off sugar. I have PCOS and it shreds my reproductive health. The only way to manage it, is to be off sugar. Having my period is one step closer to homeostasis. I am feeling confident that I can do this. By the way, my little sugar free muffins were a huge help! I brought enough of my own food that I did not feel deprived at all. My next step is to sleep. I am getting about 5 hours of sleep and that just does not cut it. This night person needs an intervention!


Pubsgal said...

Congrats!!! What a great feeling, isn't it? Breaking the sugar addiction took awhile for me, too, but it really lost its grip once I got past the feeling crummy part. And that's a great idea to bring treats and food that you can eat without getting sucked back in, especially at an event like that.

debby said...

Wow, Joy, I am really really impressed by this no sugar thing. Are you going to share your muffin recipe? I love to bake.

Yah, there's nothing like a good night's sleep. I'm not sure what I would do if I had a 'regular' job (instead of my 12 hour shifts) but I decided a long time ago that I would never set my alarm clock except on the days that I work. I also realized more recently that being sleep deprived (on the days I work) made me depressed and sometimes anxious, so I am trying harder to keep on a consistent schedule of going to bed much earlier than I normally would. I have to admit that in the summertime, it is hard to go to bed at 9:00, and most nights I don't make it. But when I do, that is when I feel the best. (9:00 because I have to get up at 4am on work days.)